Archive by Author: Daniel

Sentinel Pass

The trail started easily enough...

This one hike made our entire trip to the Rockies worth it. Donald, Michael, James, Jonathan, David, and I had no idea what was in store when we started off on this 4-hour excursion through the mountains of Banff National Park. Our destination was Sentinel Pass, 2400 feet above Moraine Lake where the trail began. […]

North Carolina FEW Conference

A full parking lot

Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah! The first Family Encouragement Weekend of the year was a smashing success. However, the enemy’s opposition was evident. We did have a “few” interruptions, unexpected medical complications, and other spiritual warfare, but “greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.” Once again good overcame evil! Each […]

One Special Evening

Valentine Banquet 2011

Last Friday the single staff here at Headquarters hosted an elaborate and truly spectacular Valentine Banquet to honor the training center directors and other special guests. I was asked to help organize the servers for the banquet, and this position allowed me to see firsthand the exhaustive attention to detail, flawless teamwork, and Christ-like character […]

New Years at the Neely’s

I don’t think our family has ever had a more exciting New Years celebration! Nearing the end of our Florida trip, December 31 found us at the Neely household – experienced hosts indeed! You should have been there. We fit everything you can think of into that all-too-short two-night stay: Dutch Blitz, Settlers of Catan, […]

Swimming on Christmas Day??

You know something’s wrong when everyone walking to the beach has their hands in their pockets wishing they had umbrellas. It was also a little disconcerting when we suddenly realized we were the only ones headed TO the beach – everyone else was going the opposite way! (We passed one lady wearing shorts, a  t-shirt, […]

The Next Step

As I started getting older, a strange phenomenon occurred. (And I am sure I am the only one that has experienced this.) People began asking me bewildering questions, such as “What are you going to do after you finish high school?” or “What do you plan to do with your life?” What?! How did they […]

Home Alone!

Hurrah! Everyone’s gone! Think of all the time I’ll have! No interruptions! As many fish sticks as I like! No one I have to share dessert with! No stacks of used cups by the fridge! Won’t this be great… The whole house changed when David, Jonathan, Esther, and Michael left to help with OEI Virginia, […]

Plan F

Plan A – Leave Sunday School Teacher’s Book in classroom at church after using it to teach lesson, so that Teacher can pick it up during the week. Oh no! I forgot and brought it home with me. Plan B – No problem! Just take the Teacher’s Book with us to evening church and leave […]