Archive by Author: Michael
Major Ruling: Supreme Court Says Prayers at Government Meetings are Constitutional
The first amendment states plainly that the government has no place prohibiting the free exercise of religion. If government leaders desire to publically acknowledge Jesus Christ and implore the blessings of the living God on their endeavors, they should be free to do so. Read more here from the Tea Party News Network or the Supreme […]
My New Toy… I Mean Tool

This is a big “THANK YOU” to the whole family for investing in my life in a great way a few months ago. Family members went together to give me a camera as a gift – and I have been putting it to use ever since. Of course I’m always taking pictures of bees, so […]
And Ye Shall Live
“For thus saith the LORD unto the house of Israel, Seek ye Me, and ye shall live… Seek the LORD, and ye shall live; lest he break out like fire… Seek the good, and not the evil, that ye may live: and so the LORD, the God of hosts, shall be with you, as ye […]
What made America Great?

Our congressman David McKinley asks, “What Made America Great?” He did not present his own conclusions, but this question is definitely one worth asking, and if possible, worth finding an answer to. There are many aspects of America’s greatness, including freedom, education, religion, family, economy, etc. So how do you keep freedom from becoming chaos? […]
Sandy Hook
Christians of America, you’re the light of the world, a city on a hill! You have been given the freedom, to tell others about Jesus at will. Into how much evil must my neighbors fall, before I wake up to the call: To do and say what Jesus would, if He was here among us […]
Merry Christmas!

“Christmas at our house is the best time of year!” It is a time of bright sunlight on glistening snow, of glowing candles, of scrum-dilly-licious treats, of making special things for special people, of peaceful serenity, of excited anticipation, of family reunions and singing and caroling and remembering. For most of us, it has never […]
Who do I vote for in West Virginia?

Some trustworthy groups have done a lot of work to find out the views and values of the many candidates for offices up for election in 2012. The Tea Party, the West Virginians for Life PAC, the Family Policy Counsel, West Virginia Family Foundation, and the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) are some […]
The 2nd Debate
After Romney’s landslide victory in the first debate, the big Obama come-back that the liberals were hoping for just didn’t happen. Conservative analysts had much to criticize about the event: a liberal-leaning moderator, questions catering to Obama, and more time given to Obama, yet his debatable “win” was by a very close margin – “not […]
New Hampshire FEW!

A little over a year ago, we could hardly have imagined a Family Encouragement Weekend in New Hampshire. But God does wondrous things! Mr. Schmechel’s conversion to Christ and his family’s enthusiasm to bring the FEW to New Hampshire, with the dedicated support of other families in their area, all came together into reality. And […]