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Archive | Photography

Homeschooling Photo Shoot!


If your family already does homeschooling, this month’s photo assignment should be easy! To make it more challenging for me, I focused on lighting and doing what I could to get it just right…. While bounce flash certainly is better than direct flash or no flash at all when photographing not-so-well-lit areas, I feel like […]

Searching for Perfect Order in Nature!


According to the details for the current assignment, perfect order in nature could also mean perfect order in man-made landscapes, so off I went looking for symmetrical gardens and manicured lawns at the closest botanical garden I could find! Oh what a surprise I was in for! It was different being on a time-crunch too. […]

On Assignment: Go Forward!


When I read the details for this month’s Lenspiration photo assignment, I thought “Hey, this is going to be easy; I have plenty of brothers to use as models, it’s a bright sunny day, and I know exactly where to shoot it!” Well, as usual, it didn’t exactly turn out as expected. . . . […]

On Assignment: In The Danger Zone


It’s time to take some pictures for the missionaries in Europe again! This time, we’re going for a spring-time theme. And illustrating Psalm 119:103, “How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” If you decide to go out and take pictures of honey bees like I did, beware. […]

When What You’re Looking For Doesn’t Exist

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Photographing for the new Lenspiration photo assignment turned out much better than I expected! Isn’t it great that ideas from sources outside of yourself are often what help you find exactly what you could not find by yourself? I think it’s interesting how, without my intending it, this video actually illustrated my own personal pursuit of purity. Every […]

The Toughest Photo Assignment Yet!

Camera position

Heritage Defense, a Texas-based organization dedicated to protecting the biblical family through legal assistance and public policy initiatives, is creating two life-sized posters to be used as part of their trade show booth backdrop display . . . and they have asked the photographers on Lenspiration to shoot the photos for them! This is no […]

The Story of the 2x Extender

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I’ve done a lot of outdoor photography, but I’ve done very little with telephoto lenses! Why? Because the longest lens I’ve ever had in the longest time was a 70-200mm. And on a full frame camera, that just doesn’t reach very far. When I was first getting started in photography, I used my dads old […]