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Archive | Photography

Revealing the Next Photo Assignment!

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So, how does the next photo assignment have to do with “shooting for excellence”? Watch the assignment reveal video below to find out! Raising the bar is kind of a difficult idea to shoot for, so thankfully Kirk, the one requesting the photo, has given us several tangible ideas for exactly what to shoot for! […]

Ever Photographed Photographers?

photographer (play)

It’s time to update the header image on the! And I’d love to update it with one of your photos! So hence, the next Shoot to Serve photo assignment: Photographer. Do you think you can take a really great picture of a photographer? Of course, it needs to be nice and sharp and epic […]

Reviving Photos from the Far Distant Past

reviving photos (play)

Ever since the Journey to the Heart Challenge back in January, I’ve been camping out in Isaiah 55 during my memorization time at night. And then a couple weeks ago this photo request comes in… Cherith Studio’s said, “I’m looking for a photo to illustrate Isaiah 55:8-9 and a photo to illustrate Isaiah 55:10-12. The […]

Photo Assignment: Praying Hands

praying hands assignment (play)

Know the hymn, “Now Thank We All Our God“? To you, what does it look like? When I found out that this was the next hymn that Family Conferences wanted us to photograph a background image for, I wasn’t initially excited. It’s February. We’ve long put all the Thanksgiving decorations away. But then I asked […]

For Photographers: Equipment Available

upgrade (play)

I have 7 pieces of high-end, pre-owned photography equipment that I’d like to sell. I bought it as bundle from a friend of mine, Ryan, who was moving on to “phone photography” and now I’m selling off each piece individually. Here’s the equipment and the pros and cons for each piece: 1. Canon EF 70-200mm […]