Was it possible?
With our work on the fence coming to a close around mid June, we realized that we needed to begin in earnest on the new 360 square foot storage building. If we would be able to use Dad’s time off work around the 4th of July to put the structure under roof, we now had only 3 short weeks to complete the foundation. One of those weeks we would be hosting a speaker from Colorado. We had yet to begin the excavation (making a flat place in West Virginia is always a big job), dig the footers, pour concrete, and get the block up and lumber delivered, all involving the schedules of other people, some of whom were likely to be booked already. Was it possible?
We were happy to find that our friend’s backhoe would be available! On June 15th we picked it up but were unable to begin digging until the following day. Surprisingly, in one day’s work we accomplished the excavation and dug most of the footers. Although much could have gone wrong, things went very smoothly. Another friend was even able to lend us his transit, making it easy to verify correct elevations.
Monday and Tuesday we finished digging the footers, double checking their exact location, trimming the sides, and driving the pins.Our concrete contractor’s schedule was full, but since our job was so small, he finally agreed to fit us in. Wednesday morning the 20th we put gravel in the holes and that afternoon the concrete was poured! We were concerned that the activity of the concrete truck and workers on that day might conflict with that of the carpet people (another project). To our amazement the carpet people called just in time to move their appointment one day later!We did not have enough block left over from other projects to finish this one, and were expecting to have to order the block. But to our surprise and delight, a neighbor offered to give us some extra block that he didn’t need! Donald went to see them that same day, found that they were exactly what we needed, and brought them home. That evening we cut one more tree that we decided was too close to the new building. The next day, Thursday the 21st, we thought the block layer was going to look at the job. Actually, he DID the job! In a short amount of time he had all 52 block laid neatly in ten piers, simply using mortar that was left over from a bigger assignment. His schedule was packed tight, but that afternoon a window of opportunity had opened for him, probably the only one in a long time. If we had waited one more day to cut the tree, it would have been too late. It had fallen across where two of the piers now stood.Friday the 22nd Dad and Mom left for Indianapolis Indiana. It was hard to believe all that God had put together in a single week! We were now ready to focus on a week of ministry with our dear friends from
Colorado. All things are possible!
What a serendipitous series of events, Michael. God is so good!
That’s for sure. I remember asking Him for five specific miracles. I counted four in your report (Mr. Cox being free, doing the work that afternoon and having the right type of block, then the carpet layers rescheduling) plus at least four other ways that God worked evidently but more simply. Wasn’t it a fifth miracle that He gave Dad the days off even though so much was going on for him at work at that time?
Those were the longest days of the year and had some of the best memories of the year: in addition to leveling, digging and wheelborrowing gravel I remember staining siding with Jonathan and David, handing out flyers for America’s Providential Founding, and holding the ropes on the tree we cut down–they all happened at that time. Thanks for recording the highlights of what God was doing Michael!
About an hour ago I memorized the verse which says “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” It was incredible to witness the shed becoming possible. I’ll look forward to seeing more pictures of the shed and barn as they are finished. What a year.
I can’t believe I missed it all! That trip to Indianapolis must have been when Mom and Dad picked me up and brought me home from the Training Center. You all sure filled me in on the details well after our return, though. I was astounded to see our backyard transformed so! And I have continued to be astounded at each new development on our “newest project” – it sure is progressing rapidly! Praise the Lord.
Great post Michael and great memories!
To be honest, I enjoy looking back on this project more than I did looking forward to it.
It’s the time spent with you, Donald, and others that will last long after the shed itself is dust.
It is really awesome being able to see those pictures because I wasn’t there when it all happened. Thanks for posting!
Yes, it was a memorable time Dad. It’s also neat to remember Uncle Alan working with us. Thank you again Michael for helping to orchestrate a project like this one.
I cannot wait to see the shed! I take it you all are probably pretty close to finished. Family projects like these – including the mistakes, mishaps, and miracles – will be long remembered.
I’ve been trying all summer to keep the blog up to date on the projects around here, but it has been impossible. I hope to continue with more posts soon – of more than just the shed.