The Thrill of the Eternal
Earlier this month a few members of our team visited the Oklahoma State Fair to share the message of salvation as volunteers with Child Evangalism Fellowship. We were set up in a simple, small, white tent with a poster inviting passers-by to check out the story of the wordless book. It was a two-part job. Both were out of my comfort zone for sure! The first was to stand outside calling over and over again asking people if they had heard the message of the 5 colored pages. The second was to sit inside and explain it to those who came in. But the Lord gave us the boldness to just do it even if we were a little scared! It was worth it, so rewarding and exciting to look back and realize that 13 people had seen their need and cried out to God for salvation that night! From the little boy to the college-aged guys to the teenage girl in tears, all heard the Bible’s message from the wordless book and believed! Studies show that it takes an average of 7.6 times before someone will respond to the gospel. You never know if the person you meet is at the 7 stage and just needs a .6.
There is so much more to our natural desire for excitement! What a thrill to share the gospel that will change lives for eternity! Way beyond the temporal, empty pleasures we saw all around us that night. The loud speakers, blinking lights, and smells of the fair don’t last long and loose their glamour in comparison to the glorious work of God.
Praise God, Esther! I’m very glad you posted that!And am also glad you got to be a part of that!
“we must tell of Christ of Calvary,
Jesus blood has paid sins penalty,
tell the grace that Christ brought down to man, we must reach them while we can!”
Praise the Lord! Thank you, Esther, for an encouraging update! Keep sharing the Good News!
Praise the Lord! Jesus said that His food was to do the will of Him who sent Him. May you eagerly anticipate every delightful opportunity that you have to influence the hearts of people!
That is a true thrill Esther.
God’s will is a thrill! Someone said that His will is exactly what we would do all the time if we just knew all the facts.
We rejoice in this experience with you.
It is always encouraging to hear encouraging reports for some reason! May you always find yourself living on the leadings of Christ.
What a wonderful testimony Esther! Thank you for sharing it. May we continue to be avalible to our Lord!
We just had our first CEF club tonight and praise the Lord it went very well!
The post-modern world we live in has Christians watering down the truths of God’s Word to draw lost souls to Christ (music, ‘lures,’ non-confrontation, etc).
Its beginning to sink in for me that we are simply called, as was done at the State Fair, to faithfully share the unchanging gospel. I believe such a mindset brings freedom. The results are in the Lord’s hand – I just need to go & share the truth!