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Archive | Ministry Reports

What hath God wrought? These are posts describing what God has done and is doing in our family in the way of ministry to others.

Mission to the Philippines

Right now I’m in the Philippines with a Character First! ministry team headed up by David Waller. So far it has been quite the exciting adventure! We are teaching in quite a few different schools and ministering in several local churches. If you would like to receive periodic prayer updates or a link to the […]

Cooling Down

On the 11th of November, Life Focus 14 came to a close. As a way to cool down and be refreshed after seven weeks of serving, all the leaders took a relaxing trip up to the Northwoods Conference Center for a few days. The second day we were there, it snowed; at night, you could […]

What’s Normal in FOCUS

The pitch-black room is suddenly jarred by the annoying beep of an alarm clock. It was set for 4:45AM. Minutes later, all the leaders are hustling to their students’ rooms banging on the doors and giving a 5 minute preparation time to be out in the hall, ready for personal devotions. Soon the hall settles to silence […]

Pictures from Life Focus

James sent some pictures from Life Focus today! Here are a couple that we thought everyone would enjoy: “This is a group picture of most of all Life Focus. We just finished tearing down an old chimney in Pastor Goodwin’s church (he is sitting in front). It was a quick setup as it was raining hard where I had to take the […]

The toughest week

It is close to 5:00, Wednesday morning, the 20th of September. After a sudden awakening, the four students of Blue team are feverishly packing and loading their stuff in one of ITC’s vans. They are clueless of their departure time and destination. However, the four leaders have carefully planned an expedition that will stretch the […]