Archive by Author: James

Tapping into God’s Creation

The end of winter tends to be a barren time of year. Gardens are in the planning and planting stage. Most of the stored provisions from the previous year’s harvest are getting low. But even though the grass is brown and the trees still bear, there is a harvest to be reaped hidden deep in […]

A Different Perspective

God distinctly declares that His ways are not our ways. He also declares that His ways are higher than our ways. (Isaiah 55:8-9) When I submit my will to His will, I die to my own ways and thus become able to follow His higher ways. This is where creativity starts! Instead of looking at […]

The Other Side of Ice-Skating

I just couldn’t help but post these photos of our past ice-skating escapades. The other post shows the ideal. This one shows the other side. Yes, ice-skating is fun, but it has its ups and downs. After an intense struggle against the foe of gravity, David finally lost his balance and toppled to the ground. […]

Banana Advice

We learned an interesting lesson. It has to do about the biological structure of a banana in relation to its environment. We almost didn’t post this but then decided we should because we didn’t want anyone else to make the same mistake! It’s very applicable at this time of year too. So here is our advice: Don’t leave green bananas […]

A Record breaking Bike ride

Saturday, February 3rd set some new records. First, we woke up to the coldest morning of the year and of the winter season. Hovering at 8°F., the frigid weather formed ice on my eyebrows from the condensation of my own breath. But the freezing temperature was not the only record of the day. When the temperature had […]

A Great Ministry

For a summer job last year, I worked for a funeral home in town run by Mr. and Mrs. Greathouse. They were unable to do most of the manual labor of keeping up the property, so I was able to serve them by weed-whacking, mowing, weeding, trimming bushes and so forth. By the time the […]

What’s Really There

Despite its beauty and extraordinary singularity, snow can be rather difficult to take pictures of, especially while it is still snowing. Cameras are quite delicate. Water ruins delicate equipment. Snow is just another form of water. In other words, you can’t take many pictures until the snow stops. In my situation, because the temperature hovered […]

Winter Art

The first snow this year of any significance fell on January 9. After snowing an inch or so in the morning, the clouds thinned and it appeared the day would be rather dull. However, come late afternoon, a sudden darkness of clouds came in and within a few minutes, it began to snow again. By […]

Christmas Impressions

Christmas is one of the most enjoyable and challenging seasons to photograph. The feelings of peace, coziness, anticipation, and reverence are the invisible impressions I strive to create in my final works of art. This rarely comes by accident but is achieved through experience, forethought, and creative deliberation. Here are the highlights of Christmas 2006. […]