The Other Side of Ice-Skating

I just couldn’t help but post these photos of our past ice-skating escapades. The other post shows the ideal. This one shows the other side. Yes, ice-skating is fun, but it has its ups and downs.

{iceoops} David fights for balance...{iceoops} going... 6394

After an intense struggle against the foe of gravity, David finally lost his balance and toppled to the ground. But gravity could not keep him captive for long; his endurance put him back on his feet!

{iceoops} What happened afterwards{iceoops} Trying to keep our balanceEveryone posed for a group picture – or at
least they tried. This is what came of it.

{iceoops} A just man falleth seven times and riseth up{iceoops} Everyone awaits the inevitable

Good and bad run on parallel tracks! You can’t have one without the other.


  1. Jonathan February 20, 2007 at 12:14 pm #

    You are so right! I’m surprised nobody was hurt. And I can’t believe that the pond froze for so long. Esther and I skated 10 times!

  2. Daniel February 20, 2007 at 1:03 pm #

    What fun. We all couldn’t stop laughing at that group picture. I guess what made it so funny was that we hadn’t posed it. James was just quick on the draw there. I simply couldn’t retain stability standing still! It was actually harder than while moving to keep your skates from moving out from under you (if you could at all!) I guess picture 4 is proof of that. Good times. 😉

  3. Joshua February 20, 2007 at 3:55 pm #

    Praise the Lord for the surefootedness of His Word and that a just man falleth ‘7’ times and ‘riseth’ up yet again. You sure did a great job at capturing perfect poses in the first ‘ice skating’ escapade. I would of never guessed ‘the other side’ :-).

  4. Robert February 21, 2007 at 6:03 pm #

    What great shots! It looks like a lot of fun with plenty of ups and downs. I’ll bet you all are really enjoying having a “skating rink” so close to the house this year. I’ve been enjoying some sledding and snowball fights here in Chicago but I haven’t been able to go skating yet. It’s been a pretty cold winter, hasn’t it? So much for “global warming.” 😉

  5. Daniel February 22, 2007 at 12:12 pm #

    Yes it has, Robert. But I think even stranger than the low temperatures is how much precipitation we have gotten (at least down here in WV). Last year it was worth getting excited if it started to flurry. But this year we have had snow on the ground for five weeks straight!

  6. Suarez February 6, 2012 at 9:40 am #

    Thank you for your help!Thank you and My best rrgdeas! Thank you and Sorry for so many questions but i really need your help.

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