Archive by Author: James

Christmas ’06

This Christmas is one I hope never to forget! Everyone was here, from David to Donald to Dad. No one was missing. Even Grandma and Grandpa Brannon were able to spend the whole day with us. Mom and Dad really went out of their way to surprise us too.  They purchased very useful gifts which we as […]

Deer Hunting

“Temperatures are staying low. Light enough to shoot by 6:45. Snow flurries between 8:30 and 9:00. Breezy. Lots of rustling in the leaves from critters out and about… now that sounds different!” In the next few seconds I experienced the thrill of what hunting is all about. A nice sized four point buck was trotting […]

Thanksgiving Celebrations

The Thanksgiving season this year was full of celebrations for us. Because the Sunday before Thanksgiving Day Robert would leave for the Philippines on a mission trip, we decided to celebrate a few days early. Grandpa and Grandma Brannon came over to celebrate with us. Michael and I had just got in from Indianapolis a few days […]

Cooling Down

On the 11th of November, Life Focus 14 came to a close. As a way to cool down and be refreshed after seven weeks of serving, all the leaders took a relaxing trip up to the Northwoods Conference Center for a few days. The second day we were there, it snowed; at night, you could […]

What’s Normal in FOCUS

The pitch-black room is suddenly jarred by the annoying beep of an alarm clock. It was set for 4:45AM. Minutes later, all the leaders are hustling to their students’ rooms banging on the doors and giving a 5 minute preparation time to be out in the hall, ready for personal devotions. Soon the hall settles to silence […]

The toughest week

It is close to 5:00, Wednesday morning, the 20th of September. After a sudden awakening, the four students of Blue team are feverishly packing and loading their stuff in one of ITC’s vans. They are clueless of their departure time and destination. However, the four leaders have carefully planned an expedition that will stretch the […]