This morning at Bolingbrook IBC I was blessed to hear a powerful message by Evangelist Will Galkin, a former member Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team. God spoke to me through it. The barrenness of spending my days doing needful, legitimate things without the continual awareness of God’s personal presence dries up my soul. Why do I […]
Archive by Author: Robert
“Now We’re in One Accord!”
The Spirit of the Lord is here! Powerful testimonies were flowing freely for almost three hours this evening as the Dad’s Conference began to draw to a close. Right now it is 11:30 at night and the lobby of the Indianapolis Training Center is buzzing with the fellowship of fathers openly sharing their hearts with […]
Bringing Health to the Hurting
I enjoyed spending this past week at the Indianapolis Training Center, helping Mr. Gothard and Dr. Paine as they hosted a Total Health Seminar. Even though the dates of the seminar were only finalized a few weeks in advance, a remarkable number of attendees showed up to learn how to identify the root causes of […]
A Trip to Paradise
I recently returned from a 5-day trip to Guadalajara, Mexico! It was my first time in Mexico and the 70° weather was a nice change from Chicago’s chilly winter winds. As I understand it, temperatures are idealistic all year long in the beautiful Lake Chapala area where we stayed. IBLP’s beautiful Guadalajara Training Center property […]
Revival in Indianapolis!
Yesterday was the conclusion of the five-day Dad’s Conference here at the Indianapolis Training Center. Over five hundred fathers were here, including my Dad, who drove up with Mr. Wilkes. The spirit of revival that took place was incredible! The time that I got to spend with Dad while he was here was very meaningful! And […]
Good News from a Far Country
It has been a little over a month now since I returned from a three-week expedition to the Philippines. Looking over the pictures, however, brings each experience and opportunity freshly back to mind! Several times I was surrounded by groups of eager children, curiously watching and patiently listening as I explained the message of the […]
The Way of the Master
I wonder why sharing the wonderful news of the Gospel is sometimes so difficult? Perhaps it’s because that often I don’t do it the way Jesus did. Recently our family has enjoyed watching the fun videos at Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron have a great sense of humor, but they really know how to […]
A New Adventure
Today I flew up to Chicago, where I’ll be serving with IBLP this year. Though it is tough to be leaving my family and putting my business on hold for a while, I know the Lord is leading in this direction and I’m excited about the opportunities to serve Him through this ministry! The theme […]
More Blessed to Give
With a desire that our family would focus on giving rather than receiving at Christmastime, Mom came up with a great idea that was destined to become a family tradition. Now, every year as Christmas Eve approaches, anticipation and excitement build while each member of the family secretly creates a special gift for someone else. […]
Christmas Bells
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was filled with sorrow at the tragic death of his wife in a fire in 1861. The Civil War broke out that same year, and it seemed this was an additional punishment. Two years later, Longfellow was again saddened to hear that his own son had been seriously wounded as a lieutenant […]