This week! Senate to vote on Kagan for Supreme Court

The Senate is expected to vote this week on Kagan, Obama’s recent Supreme Court nominee. Since Kagan has never before been a judge, and therefore has no judicial record, how do we know where she stands on the issues? Thanks to many who have done the research for the rest of us, some very startling things have come to light. It turns out she is very pro-homosexual and very anti-2nd Amendment rights. It appears that she is already biased in favor of homosexuals and possibly even harboring hatred against the morally conscientious.

Here is criminologist John Lott’s concerns over Kagan’s anti-gun stance. Severe concerns have also been raised by Americans United for Life regarding Kagan’s record of support for partial birth abortion.

This Senate decision may affect our country for many, many years. Supreme Court Justices are usually in office for life. Take responsibility as an American citizen to call your senators as soon as you possibly can. Politely make it clear that you will not tolerate your representative voting in favor of Kagan for the Supreme Court of the United States. Senator Ben Nelson (Democrat, Nebraska) decided to change his stand and oppose Kagan as a result of hearing from the people of his State. You can find your senators’ phone numbers right here or call the Senate switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask for them by name.


  1. Donald August 2, 2010 at 12:40 pm #

    Appreciate you looking into this Michael and giving us such a succint report.

  2. Crystal August 3, 2010 at 8:45 am #

    Something to put it into perpective. So many have given their lives, fortunes, & sacred honor for our many freedoms we enjoy. It is such a small “sacrifice” to pick up the phone and call our senators!

  3. Esther August 3, 2010 at 9:07 am #

    Just called. Have you?

  4. Robert Staddon August 3, 2010 at 7:03 pm #

    Thank you for the warning, Michael! I will try to call tomorrow.

  5. Espineda Family August 10, 2010 at 7:17 pm #

    We called, too!(last week) Thank you so much for this information and additional resources! If it wasn’t for your article we would not have known! This is very important to our family and we appreciate your suggestions and instructions, as well as the encouragement! Keep up the good work! Thanks again.

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