The first amendment states plainly that the government has no place prohibiting the free exercise of religion. If government leaders desire to publically acknowledge Jesus Christ and implore the blessings of the living God on their endeavors, they should be free to do so. Read more here from the Tea Party News Network or the Supreme […]
Tag Archives: Supreme Court
Good news from WVDA!
Gus Douglas, the long standing Commissioner of Agriculture in West Virginia reported some good news in his April 2012 update. “In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court last month settled the dispute over ownership of streambeds and stream banks, ruling that landowners, not government, are the rightful owners. President Bob Stallman said farmers and ranchers […]
US Supreme Court Upholds Freedom of Religion
9-0 the US Supreme Court rules that the federal government (including agencies like the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) has no business interfering with a religious institution’s decisions on what ministers to hire and fire. It would simply be unconstitutional. The Court’s Ruling “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the […]
What will Kagan do?
It is troubling when a nominee like Kagan is considered mainstream. Senator Kit Bond of Missouri knows that “The massive expansion of government power we’ve seen over the last 18 months puts our country at a unique time in history”. His bull’s-eye assessment: “Putting a check on activist government power and adhering to our Constitution […]
This week! Senate to vote on Kagan for Supreme Court
The Senate is expected to vote this week on Kagan, Obama’s recent Supreme Court nominee. Since Kagan has never before been a judge, and therefore has no judicial record, how do we know where she stands on the issues? Thanks to many who have done the research for the rest of us, some very startling […]