A Wise Nation (Benjamin Rush on Education and the Bible, continued)
“II. My second argument in favor of the use of the Bible in schools is founded upon an implied command of God and upon the practice of several of the wisest nations of the world….”
Here Dr. Rush references the command of trans-generational perpetuation of the Law from Deuteronomy chapter six, then continues: “[The people of Israel] flourished as a nation in proportion as they honored and read the books of Moses, which contained the only revelation that God had made to the world. The law was not only neglected but lost, during the general profligacy of manner which accompanied the long and wicked reign of Manasseh. But the discovery of it amid the rubbish of the temple by Josiah and its subsequent general use were followed by a return of national virtue and prosperity. We read further of the wonderful effects which the reading of the law by Ezra, after his return from his captivity in Babylon, had upon the Jews. They hung upon his lips with tears, and showed the sincerity of their repentance by their general reformation.
The learning of the Jews, for many years, consisted in a knowledge of the Scriptures…. Jews who wandered from Judea into other countries carried with them and propagated certain ideas of the true God among all the civilized nations upon the face of the earth….”
“… The benefits of an early and general acquaintance with the Bible … have appeared in many countries in Europe since the Reformation. The industry and habits of order which distinguish many of the German nations are derived from their early instruction in the principles of Christianity by means of the Bible. In Scotland and in parts of New England, where the Bible has been long used as a schoolbook, the inhabitants are among the most enlightened in religions and science, the most strict in morals, and the most intelligent in human affairs of any people whose history has come to my knowledge upon the surface of the globe.”
–Benjamin Rush, late 1700’s
From a personal letter, later published as a tract, “The Bible in Schools”
by the American Tract Society, circa 1830
I don’t think I can argue with him there.
Thank you for sharing more from this tract!! I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this series of posts. What a needed reminder: we must be in the Word continually and seeking to engaft it into our lives.
Wow! Could my personal letters be published as tracts?