What to do for it’s 25th Birthday?

For the past years we have always looked forward to a fall Apple Butter Festival. In years past we have participate in “Greased pig contest” and other little activities. But this year sadly we were all too old to join in. What could we do this year that would make this 25th anniversary special.

scribbling down ideas for the banners.A couple of weeks before the Festival we read Psalms 40:9-10 which gave us an idea that we scribbled down, the next Sunday I suggested it in our Sunday school class, everybody liked it so we scheduled to have a meeting after church. In the meeting many possible ideas Which one for should we choose? were suggested and numerous questions asked. Did we have enough time to put it together? We decided we could and registered. Another meeting was arranged for the up coming Saturday. All that week our family had many delightful and exciting conversations around the dinning table. David taking a turn spraypainting.

Ty spraypainting the tree.Finally the long awaited Saturday arrived. Those who could, piled in the  car and headed for the church. The meeting was well organized and each family left with an assigned responsibility. We had began the 2009 “Evergreen United Methodist Church” float!P1010022P1000996

David painting the front banner

Our contribution was to make some banners: first, a long banner in front of the float which introduced our theme which said, “The fruits of the spirit are…” we decorated it with fall leaves, baskets of apples, and bright fall colored letters; secondly, two banners for the side of the float which had the name and location of our church, and the life cycle of an apple painted on them.

Daniel and David presenting our signs. Will this be enough?Our next meeting took place on the following  Thursday night, two days before the parade! WeCan I ride? presented ourOur Sunday school teacher sorting candy! banners and started putting the float together. We miraculously found exactly 9 red wooden apples, for the nine fruits  of the spirit, to go on our plywood tree, painted green. Unfortunately we weren’t able to completely finish the float because of the approaching darkness of night. So we consented to finishing the project the morning of the parade.

The dawning of SaturdayEarly on Saturday a group of us met at the  church to continue our joint effort on the float. After a breath taking ride from the church to Salem, we enthusiastically put on the last touches before moving into line with the rest of the parade.Putting on last touches!David excitingly helping.Ready to go!

Pastor stirring "Apple Butter" :)We quickly found out how much coordination it took to toss candy to onlookers. "Throwing Candy is tiring" Unfortunately we ran out of candy before reaching the end of town, where the people  were packed up to the side of the floats, but were delighted to  “proclaim his righteousness throughout the congregation” of Salem! Later while walking through the fair grounds we unexpectedly found out our float was chosen “Best Float” and given first place!

Our Church's trophy!The next Sunday I read Psalms 40:9-10 in church and exhibited the trophy to the whole church. It would have been impossible if every member in the church wouldn’t have taken some small part in the whole project of the float!

I have preached righteousness in the great congregation: lo, I have not refrained my lips, O LORD, thou knowest. I have not hid thy righteousness within my heart: I have declared thy faithfulness and thy salvation: I have not concealed thy lovingkindness and thy truth from the great congregation.

Psalms 40:9-10


  1. Brittany Crocker October 19, 2009 at 1:08 pm #

    Very cool to get to see “Behind-The-Scenes” pictures of that day. It was so much fun to see ya’ll and experience the Apple Butter Festival for the first time.

  2. Donald October 20, 2009 at 11:53 am #

    I’m so glad you had the time to post about it Jonathan. After working on David’s post for him, I have a new appreciation for all those pictures being arranged in an orderly fashion. How much more rewarding to see the Body of Christ working in one accord to make an orderly, prize-winning float!

  3. Joshua October 20, 2009 at 4:26 pm #

    Very Creative! I have heard so many memorable stories about the Salem Apple Butter Festival – and a float? What a great idea and congratulations to Evergreen Methodist in obtaining 1st place. A fruitful end indeed!

  4. Michael October 21, 2009 at 5:20 am #

    Great pictures! I appreciate your leadership in that event Jonathan. God blessed that work. That Sunday was predicted to be very rainy – but look at the sunshine in those pictures! Praise the Lord.

  5. Esther Staddon October 21, 2009 at 10:24 pm #

    Wow! Fun! Amazing! I know you told me about it over the phone but to actually see what it turned out like is so fun! And I had no clue you won first place!!!!! Great job everyone! How exciting to take this opportunity to proclaim righteousness in our town!!!! Keep looking for ways to continue. 🙂 Thanks for posting, Jonathan!

  6. James Staddon October 23, 2009 at 10:08 pm #

    I was really looking forward to this post!!! I’m so glad you took the opportunity, Jonathan, to put the whole thing together. I absolutely loved the pictures, especially the one with Pastor Nathan and the “grandma” sitting in the rocking chair. It’s so good to see you all in the pictures; I miss you all and look forward to Thanksgiving all the time.


  1. StaddonFamily.com » Blog Archive » Do Hard Things … as a Family - November 11, 2009

    […] up the staining so that Jonathan, David and I could work on the  church  float for the Apple Butter Festival. What an encouragement! Even with so many things going on, the porch work would not […]

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