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Archive | Art Work

Whether it be a chalk drawing or detailed acrylic paintings, this category includes all posts that display art work created by any member of the Staddon Family.

Clay Creations

One of my favorite Christmas presents were two kinds of clay that Mom bought for me. One is pure white and stays soft until baked in the oven. After it is baked it is ready to be painted. The other is already colored and can be used over and over. Jonathan and I have had […]

Preview of 2009

One of my last projects for 2008 was to design a 2009 calendar with images I’d captured of God’s awesome creation over the entire year. It amazed me how much time it took to assemble, design, proofread, and print as simple a project as a calendar! Though quality is proportionally dependent on the amount of […]

How to Create a Good Design

For the past few weeks, quite a bit of my time here at the Headquarters Graphic Art’s Department has been spent on designing all sorts of publications. Following are some simple steps on how to take a design project from start to finish. 1. Determine the theme, mood and/or purpose. A birthday card design will […]

The Gingerbread House

Recently, I was going over some pictures I took from around Christmas-time and really liked the ones of this incredibly colorful and creative ginger- bread house Daniel, Jonathan, and David made. I wasn’t there when you guys made it but I’m sure you had tons of fun building and decorating it! Here in Chicago temperatures […]

Drawings of a Diligent Duo

Art is a universal language. What an experience it is to learn to capture an object or event on paper in your own way. But what is better than being an artist? Teaching other artists! I remember that a reporter once wanted to run an article on my work—but now I have the opportunity to be […]

Birthday Celebrations

Since our family was planning to take a vacation to Virginia the weekend of Donald’s and my birthdays, we decided to celebrate them a week early. Throughout the day that we celebrated my birthday, a late and heavy snow drifted down outside, which added to the cozy atmosphere inside. Every one took time out of their […]

Snow Structures

This has been a very snowy winter. David and I rolled up a big ball of snow and carved it into a throne. Then we got another medium ball and made a foot stool to put your legs on. We also have been shoveling all the snow off the front cement pad into one big […]

Art lessons

My brother Donald has been giving art lessons at weekly home school meetings. I have always wanted to be an artist, but I never really took it seriously until Mom bought art pencils and a kneaded eraser for me. I am a lot better than I used to be, but I am not the best yet. I especially […]