Is your standard of music based on personal preference or Biblical conviction?
By objectively opening our hearts to what God says in His Word, we can determine whether music is an amoral issue and consequently simply a matter of what we like or whether music is a moral issue and therefore a matter of what God is like.
Section I of this book establishes the principle that music is a moral issue. Section II explores the characteristics of musical sound in the light of what Scripture reveals about God’s divine nature so that we may readily identify music that is morally right or wrong. Section III traces the Biblical origins of music and surveys the history of Contemporary Christian Music in the United States from a moral perspective. Section IV concludes by observing how the power of music is influencing our culture for good or for evil.
Steve Pappas –
The book “The Power of Music” should be on everyones must read list. It is a skillful dissection of the influence of music and behavior in history, society, and culture. The author carefully dissects the spiritual from the natural (soulish). This is done by sound biblical doctrine wielded like the precision of a trained surgeons scalple. In patience, meeknes, and gentleness the author guides our thinking to see the subtle and not so subtle influences of music in our culture, church, and personal lives – past, present, and future.
A highly thoughtful book with the musical mechanics broken down for the laymans understanding. A meaty book broken down into easily edible morsels.
Dawn Hancock –
The Power of Music has a wealth of information that has helped me to think through God’s gift of music in a more thorough manner. The cover states it well “The issue with music is not what I like, but rather what God is like.” I have read many music books, but few have the core perspective of God as the focus.
Chris Owen –
Last year I went on a music fast. It was my goal to allow the Lord to work in my life in the area of music. I was finding it really easy to always have the radio on in my commute and living in the country only the strongest of FM signal was worth listening – most were rock stations. It was about three months later that I decided to read “The Power of Music”. At this time, I wanted to prove this book wrong when it came to music, especially “Christian” music. Upon finishing the book I was full of thankfulness to the Lord. It was the scripture used in this book that the Holy Spirit used to transform my mind, my choices and my desires. I could not find anything to disagree with. Music should glorify the Lord. Music is not amoral. The Lord gave me a conviction about music, not a preference, but a real conviction and belief. What the Lord gives and teaches can not be gone back on. I can clearly see that Satan was drawing me toward anger through music. What I liked in music all had the same sound, a sound that fed my flesh, my anger, my way and my freedom; but this is false, a lie from the enemy. We are to be holy, one with the Lord, bound to Him; a servant of His. I praise the Lord for Mr. Staddon’s diligent study on this subject and His use of Scripture throughout. So now my stance is not to be conformed to this world, not to be a friend of the world, not to love the world, nor the things of the world. Why? Because I desire to be holy for He is Holy and I long for His Will.