God’s Power in Prayer! Part 3

Some of the great volunteers with which I was teaching. There is nothing like knowing that others are taking the time to lift you up in prayer. This was a great encouragement to me as I was teaching this past winter. Thanks to everyone who was praying for me! (Click here to see God’s Power in Prayer! Part 2)

Following are some examples of God’s direct answers to prayer discovered by comparing my journal with Jennifer Wilkes journal of prayers for me.

1/16/08 At Bible Club, a girl eagerly approached me asking about hearing God’s voice, forgiveness, and being sure of her salvation. What a joy to look up Bible verses together that directly related to her need. That day Jennifer had prayed: “May these children seek out the teachers and want to know more.”

2/14/08 My Diary reads: “At Bible Club today an older girl…accepted Christ! She came asking how to have her sins forgiven… I felt like I covered all the points of the wordless book more clearly [than the day before] and she thoroughly understood.” That day Jennifer had prayed: “Give the children a desire to learn your truth. May they ask questions today in order to enlarge their understanding of you.”

Friends are such a blessing! 2/15/08 “Dear Diary, I have been reading in Lev. 15 and thereabouts about God’s peace and being holy as He is. It has been a very encouraging time with God before starting each busy day.” That day Jennifer had prayed: “Keep her [Esther’s] heart at rest all throughout the day. Help her look to you for needed encouragement.”

Praise the Lord for directly answering prayer!

Who could you pray for? Click here to sign up to pray for someone in ministry, or choose a family member or missionary you know. “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:15-17


  1. Jenny Wilkes May 16, 2008 at 4:10 pm #

    Praise the Lord Esther! My heart leaped for joy when I read how the Lord directed both of our prayers and desires!

  2. Donald May 17, 2008 at 11:48 pm #

    Truly encouraging and inspiring. How powerful and universal prayer is. For me, it was encouraging just now to download a prayer letter from missionaries in Colorado preparing for the field. A few hours ago on the train I enjoyed a particularly sweet “hour of prayer”. Tonight maybe I’ll mention prayer during our Bible study and use some of those examples. God is sovereign. May we continue to advance on our knees and keep our eyes open to His work in the Church across the world.

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