God’s Power in Prayer!

Jennifer Wilkes and I in 2004

A good friend of mine recently gave me a journal of what she prayed for me as I was doing ministry work this spring. I compared entries with my journal and found serveral times that what was prayed was exactly what I needed that day. God hears prayer! Here are a few examples:

Jennifer’s journal entry for 4/16 read “May her failures not discourage her but encourage her to turn to her Saviour.” My entry for 4/16 read “I did not connect with the back table in the 5th grade class very well.”

Jennifer’s journal entry for the beginning of the fourth week read “Give her excitment over this next week,…” Mine read “Today was an exciting day at school! The Lord blessed tremendously”

Jennifer’s journal entry for 4/30 read “May you free her of the bondage of focussing on any part of herself” My entry for 4/30 read “We watched a good video this evening on brokenness in the life of Joshua. We get burdened becuse we think we have to lead the battle. God is the leader. It’s all God not our self-glory, self-effort or self-will!”

Jennifer’s journal entry for May 2nd read “open the hearts of these young peple and children. Help them to hear and apply. May they… grow into mature, and faithful servants in your kingdom.” That was the day a little boy in Bible club received his Bible. My journal read “He was so hungry and thirsty to use and read it.”

Jennifer’s journal entry after it was over read: “May her joy for serving there in the schools be channeled to serving and blessing her family once she arrives home.” My journal read: “I’m going home with incredible joy for what God did here and enthusiastic gratefulness for my families goal and how I can help them reach it.”

It has been invigorating to compare our journals and see how God works through prayer! If you ever feel like you would like to be an important part of another ministry just pray the for the work God is doing in the people of our nation and the world!


  1. Michael August 9, 2007 at 7:32 pm #

    That was such a wonderful post to read. It really gives God the glory. God has amazing communication lines available for us to use, 24 7 too.

  2. Ana Marie Ort August 10, 2007 at 6:47 am #

    Esther, that’s an amazing testimony! What a blessing it is to have sisters in Christ. No doubt it was very special to share journal entries, and to realize that the Lord was guiding both of your prayers. Our God’s power is incomprehensible!

  3. Jennifer Wilkes August 10, 2007 at 11:34 am #

    Praise the Lord Esther!! I thoroughly enjoyed reading how God worked! Thank you for asking me to lift you up in prayer and allowing me to receive such a blessing.
    I just love the way God does things, it is so different and unique yet exciting and inspiring!
    Your post has encouraged me greatly to continue lifting up others in prayer.

  4. Esther August 10, 2007 at 6:14 pm #

    Jenny, the Lord has used you to motivate us to start a daily prayer journal for Robert and Donald while they are in mission work. Thank you for your prayers and godly example to me!

  5. Robert August 10, 2007 at 6:16 pm #

    I’m am incredibly amazed at the power of God in answering prayer. I was just in awe at the specific answers that He gave. What a faith-strengthening message! May the Lord bless you both!

  6. Micaela August 10, 2007 at 7:15 pm #

    From a reader of your family’s website: Esther, thanks for showing us a glimpse of God’s power in prayer. I am very encouraged that my prayers for other ministries and different people aren’t in vain.

  7. Joshua Wilkes August 11, 2007 at 6:16 am #

    I heard a quote that went along the lines of, ‘Prayer does not equip us for greater works – prayer is the greater work.’ What a timely reminder of a needful discipline! Thank you Jennifer & Esther for faithfully serving our faithful God!

  8. Donald August 14, 2007 at 11:30 pm #

    Maybe we shouldn’t be amazed but it really is inspiring to read those specific accounts of answered prayer “long-distance”. I appreciate prayer so much more than email! Your post is one more thing the Lord has used to prompt me towards letting others know when I pray for them.

  9. ahava February 8, 2008 at 9:39 am #


    I am calling ALL ESTHERS Worldwide to be praying this Purim for God to spare His/Our People ISRAEL from Destruction !


  1. StaddonFamily.com » Blog Archive » Gods Power in Prayer! Part 2 - January 5, 2008

    […] elementry schools. You are such a blessing and huge part of the ministry! Like the spring semester (Part 1), Jennifer Wilkes, journaled her prayers for me. As I compared our journals I saw first hand how […]

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