After a thoroughly wet year in 2011, the ground finally dried out this spring. And kept drying out, and kept drying out. In May we went 15 days without rain and watering became a routine. In our situation, it is necessary to have our garden and orchard on a south-facing hillside that dries out relatively […]
Tag Archives: drought
Refreshing Rain!
We are rejoicing for the plentiful rain we received on Thursday! What little rain we have received in recent weeks has only been enough to moisten the surface while the subsoil remained dry as dust. This time it rained heavily at times and softly at times over a long period, allowing the water to soak […]
Need Water!
Things have been getting terribly dry around here, the grass getting browner and browner, crunching under foot. Goldenrod and asters are just about to come into full bloom with not enough moisture in the soil to supply the nectar that the honeybees need so badly. We’ve been watering some younger, less established trees in the […]
Can you Bee-lieve it?

Happy Thanksgiving! I am rejoicing in the grace of God poured out on us this year in respect to our honeybees. We were able to harvest enough wildflower honey to supply our big family until next year’s harvest, and still have some to sell. The bees stayed semi-busy through the part of the summer that […]
Apocynum cannabinum… What is it worth?

It seems that every year the Lord has plenty of new things to teach me about beekeeping. This year it has been so dry that I could not see how anything could be putting out nectar. No nectar is bad news for bees. Scouting around the hills three weeks ago I noticed honeybees working […]