Light in a Dark World
It’s been just over a month since we had the privilege of making the trip down to North Carolina to witness the wedding of Matthew and Amanda Wilkes!
It was evident that both the Wilkes and Neely families had put a lot of love, time and effort into creating a ceremony that would honor the Lord in every way. Teamwork in every corner produced fantastic results and a joyful atmosphere. There were so many guests that for most it was also a reunion as we gathered to hear their vows and see them off as they start life together as a new family. Congratulations to Wilkes Team 3!
After yesterday’s national judicial ruling, our “family judiciary” decided that one reason the Lord delayed our post was to make a statement now at a time when clear statements and solid definitions are hard to come by. With every disappointment that arises our enthusiasm for what God is doing at a grassroots level in families such as these grows stronger. His current work on the hearts of His people is wonderful to see and now we rejoice because He, Himself, has joined together a man and his wife.
We’re rejoicing with you Matthew and Amanda! May your honeymoon continue. God go with you on the journey as heirs together of the grace of life (I Peter 3:7).
Great post Staddon family! It is so refeshing to see marriges like this one! Thank you for posting James!
It is so encouraging to see an example of a marriage wanting to honor the Lord. May God bless their marriage!
What a blessing to be a witness of your covenant. Your testimonies truly are a light in this world. Your lives together have begun as a symphony of praise to the Lord your Redeemer… and it will continue!
Amen! God’s timing is always perfect.