Sandy Hook
Christians of America, you’re the light of the world, a city on a hill!
You have been given the freedom, to tell others about Jesus at will.
Into how much evil must my neighbors fall, before I wake up to the call:
To do and say what Jesus would, if He was here among us all?
Would Adam have known a living Savior – if I lived on his lane?
Would he have seen a beam of hope… a solution to his pain?
How many children might never go home, never again play happily,
If the rivers of living water, though abundant, stop at me?
It only takes one left in darkness, one overlooked or ignored
To wake up millions to reality: to see the other end of sin’s cord.
We must look deeper than guns and bombs to see what’s going on,
Look into the eyes of your neighbor in darkness, and say, “That’s me – before the dawn.”
From this day on it is never weird to talk of the God of the Bible – you see,
You might save a school full of children: you might rescue freedom’s destiny.
– Michael
A poiniant reflection. Thanks for sharing this Micheal.
Well said, Michael! It’s the Christian’s duty.
Thank you Michael.
We are encouraged to identify those of our neighbors who acknowledge that Jesus is Lord and those neighbors who do not acknowledge Him, and to move forward with prayer as the Lord leads.