A report from Egypt

Our friends from B.E.N. are in contact with nationals on the ground in Egypt, monitoring events several times each day. Here is their report as of about February 4.

“Due to poverty, socialism, and unbelievably hard living circumstances in Egypt, a group of educated and reasonable people tried to call the government’s attention to the need to reform and help the people. They were understandably tired of the poverty and oppression. The Radical Muslim Brotherhood was not originally a part of this movement. On Friday, the government asked the Imams to preach a message of peace to the people – they complied. However, seizing the opportunity, the radical brotherhood planted people in the crowds and at the end of the sermon they cried, “To Jihad you Muslims, to Jihad!” This small minority is where the riots and violence began and they are why it continues.

“Since then looting, killings and anarchy have filled the streets with violence and bloodshed. They attacked the police headquarters (burning and destroying 60-70%) and hijacked emergency vehicles which they are using to invade neighborhoods and destroy property and lives. These are also the ones responsible for releasing thousands of prisoners who are participating in the violence. One of our nationals had to barricade himself in his home to save the lives of his family. This radical sect is attempting to overthrow the current government in order to accomplish their goal – total Islamic rule.

“The ongoing results are catastrophic. Fatigue is setting in as a people are going days without sleep in order to protect themselves. Food is becoming scarce and survival is of primary importance to almost every citizen. The decent civilians of Egypt are having to defend their own lives with pitchforks, sticks, knives, and tools – few have weapons as they are illegal to own (this is socialism).”

Since then, things have taken a turn for the better. Muslims joined Christians on the streets in singing praise to the God of the Bible, as one of our friends from B.E.N. heard with his own ears.

I have been memorizing and meditating on Psalm 119, Qoph: “I cried with my whole heart; hear me, O LORD: I will keep Thy statutes. I cried unto Thee; save me, and I shall keep Thy testimonies. I prevented the dawning of the morning, and cried: I hoped in Thy Word. Mine eyes prevent the night watches, that I might meditate in Thy Word. Hear my voice according unto Thy lovingkindness: O LORD, quicken me according to Thy judgment. They draw nigh that follow after mischief: they are far from Thy law. Thou art near, O LORD; and all Thy commandments are truth. Concerning Thy testimonies, I have known of old that Thou hast founded them forever.”

When our brothers and sisters are there, we are as there with them. Pray for the faithful believers in Egypt, and thank God for all He is doing for their good who love Him.


  1. Donald February 11, 2011 at 11:43 am #

    I’ve been looking forward to your report Michael. Another passage that recently stood out to me in my Bible-reading with specific regards to the believers in Egypt was Psalm 64. Hopefully another report from B.E.N. will be forthcoming.

  2. Denise February 11, 2011 at 4:05 pm #

    Fortunately as of today Mubarak has resigned and the country is now in the hands of the military. The military in Egypt has good relations with the US since we arm them, fund them (1 billion a year), and train them. And at this point in the game, the Muslim Brotherhood has agreed not to place any candidates in the eventual race for a new president.

    Egypt has 80 million people (10 million of which are Christian) and the majority of the population are those in their 20’s. They want affordable housing, decent wages, and a decrease in the cost of food. They also want a government that is freely elected and free of corruption, and a police force that is for the people. I hope and pray for the best for Egypt and for continued peace between them and Israel.

  3. Matthew February 12, 2011 at 5:25 pm #

    Our Hope is definitely in the Word of God and how wonderful that hope is. I had a vague idea of something going on in Egypt but I didn’t know it had reached such a level of intensity. Praise God for the steadfastness of the Egyptian Christians!
    You are right in regards to prayer; it is what our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ need more then anything else. Prayers to be faithful and continue hoping in His Word.
    Thank you Michael for your perspective.

  4. Donald February 14, 2011 at 3:22 pm #

    Good perspective once again from Joel Rosenberg:

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