Minnesota Retreat!

Brianna and I in front of the farm house where we stayed. Earlier this month I joined the Christiansen’s, Gomezes and Julie for a relaxing staff retreat in the beautiful countryside of MN. I’d never been there before and enjoyed my stay immensely! We had a grand celebration for Norm and Marlys’s 40th wedding "Good-bye, Grandma"anniversary, went hiking at national parks, boated down the St. Croix river that separates Wisconsin from Minnesota, toured the beautiful farmland by hayride, visited great people, studied the prayer of Jabez, and sat around envisioning and discussing our plans for this new ministry. This is going to be an exciting semester serving the Lord together! Please keep us in your prayers as we make the final preparations for the session to begin.

Packing up for the long drive.  Licorice makes really good rootbeer straws!


  1. Robert August 31, 2010 at 5:14 pm #

    Looks like a bunch of fun. What a great idea to use licorice as root beer straws! I never would have thought of that. 🙂 Say “hi” to the Gomezes for me!

  2. Michael August 31, 2010 at 5:53 pm #

    What an uplifting report! May the Lord continue to bless your work!

  3. Hannah Burnett September 1, 2010 at 4:27 pm #

    Ooooo, licorice WOULD make a great straw! I’ll have to try that.

    Looking forward to all God is going to do in the first semester of In the Gap!

  4. Donald September 2, 2010 at 3:46 pm #

    I really like that packing picture. It sounds too like your trip was really quite Packed! And we will certainly be praying for you at this important time Esther.

  5. Hannah Ruth September 23, 2010 at 3:27 pm #

    Awww…I miss the Gomez family. They are such a cool family! Using licorice as straws is just the thing a Gomez would think of. 🙂

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