Tremendously Blessed

The members of the church I attend here in Chaojhou have been tremendous examples of generosity. The pastor and his family have provided long-standing encouragement in just about every area and a “Thank You blog” could be pretty long . . . . I will hit some highlights here.
Almost all the time they insist on sharing fruit such as watermelon or fresh-squeezed orange juice from the fruit stands near the church. PS This piece of watermelon was a whole lot larger than it looks in the picture.I didn’t have my camera with me the day we celebrated my birthday but the joyfulness of the Sunday School children is vivid in my memory. The Pastor also lent me a good jacket (and a word of advice) for the Yu Shan climb. Other tangible gifts included ready-made dumplings, fruit, a Chinese hymnbook, an invitation to visit the famous Doulos ship in Kaohsiung and, this week, a surprise that probably surpassed them all: a virtually brand new audio Bible in Chinese. Compact and easy to use, it was not only a huge One of the biggest surprises of all.savings for me in terms of money compared to buying the Bible on CD, but actually more convenient and durable. Next to the ‘bpmf’ pronunciation Bible, it’s my single most valuable language comprehension tool. Thank you Pastor James.
Also I am grateful for a place to store my chalk easel–another thing that may have been hard to find elsewhere. The church storage room has a tile floor (which is easy to clean), an overhead fan, and plenty of receptacles. In addition, there is a church elder, the owner of an electrical supply store that I came across early on during my time here purely by “accident”, who not only carries blacklight bulbs but is skilled at manufacturing and has provided easel parts when needed.

This is where we keep the chalk easel and lighthood here at the church

I am compelled to give God the glory when I see the kind of brothers and sisters He has placed me with here in Taiwan. One of the ways I aspire to repay their kindness is by maintaining with the Lord’s help the same spirit of all-encompassing generosity when I return to the States. “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another” (John 13:35).


  1. Chad April 24, 2009 at 3:47 am #

    Praise the Lord for His provision in our lives. What a great report, Donald. May the Lord continue to bless you there in the ministry that God has called you to.

  2. James April 26, 2009 at 4:38 pm #

    I enjoy your updates!

  3. Dad and Mom April 26, 2009 at 7:01 pm #

    What a Happy Birthday.
    It is encouraging to hear how much this church makes you feel at home with them.
    We truly are one body in Christ.

  4. Michael April 28, 2009 at 6:08 am #

    That’s a wonderful report. Our brothers there challenge us to have the kind of generosity Christ wants us to have.

  5. Donald April 29, 2009 at 3:19 am #

    Thank you all for your ‘generous’ comments. I just want to let you know that the pastor called to say he read this blog and translated it for his family and I hope that he translated all your comments too. May we all be drawn closer to Christ.


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    […] teacher Tony did for me before I left Taiwan. Along with it, here is some more artwork from the churches and the […]

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