Off the Ground, Part II
Looking back over another week, I sense a new appreciation for God’s great mercy: acceptance or favor that is not earned or deserved. On Sunday He brought me across the lines of a hymn that I had forgotten about, saying simply:
There’s a wideness in God’s mercy, like the wideness of the sea.
There’s a kindness in His justice which is more than liberty.
Monday was my day to teach in the Bank classroom. The students from Chao He Elementary School were attentive. They enacted deposit and withdraw scenarios, made bank books and even had time for a math game using the money counter. Though there is much more that could be taught about the bank I’m reminded by my own merciful Master Teacher that dynamic teaching can identify with students at any level before bringing them to the next.
On Tuesday, a typhoon kept us from our normal teaching schedule. The Lord turned this also in our favor allowing but a light shower and giving us a day to catch up. Great time for journaling and language study! Wednesday was a full day in the airport classroom. During the first class I forgot how to operate the sound system but the Lord was merciful and sent along another teacher at the right time to help me out. From then on it was never a problem. This morning and yesterday we’ve seen potential illnesses fade away as the Lord provides strength. And overall I am most grateful for our hosts. God has blessed us with teachers and leadership at Nan Jung who not only make sure that we feel at home but are interested in working with us to give every student a fresh interest in English. They lend advice, let us attend their classes from time to time, and invite us over on the lunch break so our language skills can mutually improve.
It’s an ideal situation. The Lord is good.
Jonathan and I have been going through the Consumer Math book, so we’ve been learning about bank services, deposits, savings programs, etc. too! I’ve always enjoyed that kind of thing and it has been exciting to learn more about it. I’m sure it is just as exciting teaching it – if not more so.
Praise the Lord for safety amidst the passing storms!
Hey Donald! It is great to get an update and to hear what God is doing day by day in your life. Keep abiding!
Thank you Donald for being an inspiration to take note of the tender, refreshing mercies of the Lord seen every day in our life if we but look for them. He was merciful to have me read this post this evening!
We have been praying daily for your safety and health and will continue to do so. We rejoice in His faithfulness and your self-control in consistently redeeming the time.