September 11, 2008

Preparing our English lessons etc.It is Thursday. The time in Choujou is 8:55am. My location is the English Village office in the corner of Nan Jung Junior High school, at a computer in front of a window facing eastward towards America and towards home and towards New York City.
Memory is a tremendous blessing from God: not completely tame; often taken for granted until it is lost. I am very grateful for some time this morning to remember. Several on the team have relatives in the military and it’s good to remember them. It is good to remember President Bush and his life message of resolve. I also remember, last year, talking to Jonathan with students and teachers on the east coastan English Teacher from Kentucky who taught in a classroom next to us. This September eleventh I am thankful for the chance I have to reflect on the country and Creator that I am representing to Taiwan, a younger repulic. Americans overseas can have a lot of influence on Two thousand students attend this Junior High School in the village of Kandingstudents who hear about but rarely see who we actually are. I represent America to them. That is a serious position. I hope that they will see in me that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are found in being a giver, not a taker; battling for the right, not settling for what is normal.
It is nearing 9:15, our first class period for today, and I’ll be teaching in the shopping center classroom. The American ideal will have to take on simple words and a feeble human frame! Nevertheless, I am grateful for the opportunities that come in many small ways to represent a free country. May we all resolve to remember what it has taken to build a foundation for greatness. And freedom is similar to memory by the way: easy to take for granted until it is lost, not tamed to individual definition, and a special and wonderful gift from God.


  1. Robert September 12, 2008 at 10:29 pm #

    What a perspective, Donald!

    “America was targeted for attack because we’re the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world. And no one will keep that light from shining.” – George W. Bush on September 11, 2001

  2. Staddon Family September 19, 2008 at 6:38 pm #

    We appreciate your thoughts and reflections about our nation and God’s purposes for our nation. We are proud to have you represent the TRUTH that our nation is founded on!

  3. Donald September 19, 2008 at 8:32 pm #

    Appreciate your comments. It might be hard for Americans to understand the mindset of those who truly hate freedom and truth and have determined to die fighting the very things we live for. Praise to our Almighty and merciful God for life itself, a worldview passed on from our parents and grandparents that enables us to love and appreciate life, and the determination that God has given to us that will withstand, eternally, the death culture.

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