God of the Nations

More than a report on things here, I think right now a collection of prayer requests from different places would be most thought- and action-provoking for us all.

In Israel, the Feast of Unleavened Bread is being celebrated
Pray for the Christians there to be a bright light and for the unsaved to come to the knowledge of the Truth
Pray during this week that as they seek to please the Lord, even their enemies would be at peace with them

In Romania, Character First! Education continues to find a hungry audience
Pray that the Copu family would be strengthened with all might after the inner man
Pray that character standards would challenge students to think in absolutes

In Mongolia, the Basic Seminar is once again being shown
Pray for it to ignite love for the Word of God


  1. Michael April 26, 2008 at 2:58 pm #

    Thank you for these prayer requests. We’ll be having a special time of prayer together tomorrow morning. I appreciate your big heart and remembering needs far and wide.

  2. Robert May 4, 2008 at 8:04 pm #

    Donald, thanks for this report from around the world!

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