Do you know the feeling you have when you find something that you have been looking for? An item you’ve lost, a certain book at the library, a puzzle piece that you’ve been searching and searching for? The Lord wants us to experience this feeling of discovery in a new way every morning!
This is our motivation for family devotions. We call this time a “Wisdom Search” because, in whatever section we read, we look for wisdom: God’s perspective on the needs of the day. We also call it a “Rhema Search” after the Greek word rhema, which describes a Biblical principle applied to a specific situation.
This year the Lord’s direction for us was to read through the books of the Bible in chronological order. It is the first time that we have followed this pattern and is very interesting to track on the timeline of history.
God’s work in history is one thing that stands out in Genesis and Exodus. He often spoke, worked, or performed a promise much sooner or much later than I would have naturally suspected Him to. It shows how our heavenly Father is neither constrained to act instantly nor oblivious to the things that go on in our lives, but continues to operate from His larger frame of reference and supply what grace and peace is needed at the time.
How grateful I am to Dad and Mom for making this a part of our daily schedule. It’s one of those things that haven’t changed since as far back as I can remember.
The first picture was from 1992. Robert is the young chap in the foreground and Daniel is the one sitting beside Dad. This picture is from this year. Daniel is the one sitting next to me and Jonathan and David (both wearing green—and younger than Daniel) are now growing up to approach Daniel and I in height. It’s great to be growing together spiritually and physically. Because of the riches there are to find in Scripture, we have the opportunity, every day, to follow the example of the 49ers and go on a Wisdom Search, seeking for wisdom as for hid treasures (Proverbs 2).
“The foundation of American life rests upon the home and the family.” (President Herbert Hoover; August, 1928)
Quick Quiz:
How many times does the Hebrew word for grace occur in the Old Testament? 4? 7? 25? About 50? About 70?
In reply to the question, I would guess 7… =)
In the Old Testament? 50 sounds about right to me.
Radical? Yes. But I guess 70. The morning family Wisdom Search is one of the most important times of day for me. For one thing, it gets everyone in our family on the same page; we are a family working together to accomplish one common goal and sharing insights and struggles with the whole family keeps everyone close. And then getting so many different perspectives on the same Scripture passage. The more people you have the better it gets! I can not imagine what it would be like if we did not have these special times together.
I love that old picture of our family Wisdom Searches so many years ago, Donald! You’ll notice in the picture that I’m trying to keep from giggling since a picture was being taken. 🙂
You’re right, Donald, about the family Wisdom Searches each morning being one of those things that has remained a priority through the years. I am so grateful for Mom and Dad making sure that God’s Word always came first every morning! Some exciting rhemas have come from those times.
Great question on grace. All the references to “grace” that come to my mind are in the New Testament. So I’m going to guess something small, like 5. Make that 6, since Chad guessed 7, so that I’ll be the closest if it is anything less. 😉
After much debate and deliberation, I have hereby concluded, to the best of my knowledge, that James got it right. It wouldn’t be 4, 7, or 25 (or 6 :))because then why would he say ABOUT 50 or 70? It is likely it is 50, but I think it is more of a trick question – most people think of grace as virtually nonexistent in the OT. It is really more prominent there than we think, so I’m guessing 70. Jonathan’s going to say 50.
Amen Donald! Praise the Lord for the understanding. Well after Daniel’s logical process of thinking, I’ll be wild and daring with a guess of 60!
What a response. In Hebrew the word for grace is pronounced ‘kane’ and occurs (drum-roll please!) according to Quick Verse and E-Sword exactly sixty-nine times. You’re right Daniel, it is “more prominent [in the Old Testament] than we think”. Twenty-seven instances were in the Torah and the word is used most often to say that someone found grace in the sight of someone else, particiularly God or an authority (Ruth and Esther). Think of what that means. It can also mean gracious or graceful and it is given to the humble (Proverbs 3:34; James 4:6). So now you know and can let others know. Thanks for your responses, Chad, Joshua and Staddons! It’s challenged me to continue wisdom-searching.