Tag Archives: Adventure

My Search for Glowing Scenery Photos


Yes! A landscape photography assignment. My favorite! But the weather put an interesting twist on my plans as I set out to find what I was looking for before the deadline. I had so much fun exploring with the Ferrells. I took pictures of all sorts of random things! Don’t you just love this photo?! […]

Introducing: CAPTURE Photography Workshops!


The latest from Lenspiration! Everywhere I go, I’m always meeting new photographers! It’s so much fun to pass around tips, share stories, and simply learn from each other’s experiences. And the more photographers I meet, the more I realize how many of them are following the exact same path of learning and experience that I […]

Robert’s Last Day


Today was Robert’s last day as a bachelor. We couldn’t let it go without a little adventure! After a full and pleasant evening of preparing for tomorrow and spending time in prayer and blessing, Jeaven asked Robert for the keys to his car; Jeaven needed them to retire to his lodgings for the evening. But […]

An Extended Adventure


As we sat around the table at the Osan Air Base Chili’s restaurant enjoying some American food, Andy and Renae commented to Adam and I that they wished it had worked out that the two of us could have planned to come to their house for the Easter weekend. Instantly, I knew it would be […]