One Exciting Weekend

This was truly one exhilarating, exhausting, yet encouraging weekend! From around 8:00 Saturday evening when the Wilkes Team pulled in until 2:00 Monday afternoon as they tooted at the end of the driveway, our adrenaline levels hardly gave us a chance to rest. Catching up on the events of the last few months and gathering in the Living Room for […]

Mission to the Philippines

Right now I’m in the Philippines with a Character First! ministry team headed up by David Waller. So far it has been quite the exciting adventure! We are teaching in quite a few different schools and ministering in several local churches. If you would like to receive periodic prayer updates or a link to the […]

Thanksgiving Celebrations

The Thanksgiving season this year was full of celebrations for us. Because the Sunday before Thanksgiving Day Robert would leave for the Philippines on a mission trip, we decided to celebrate a few days early. Grandpa and Grandma Brannon came over to celebrate with us. Michael and I had just got in from Indianapolis a few days […]

Art lessons

My brother Donald has been giving art lessons at weekly home school meetings. I have always wanted to be an artist, but I never really took it seriously until Mom bought art pencils and a kneaded eraser for me. I am a lot better than I used to be, but I am not the best yet. I especially […]

Cooling Down

On the 11th of November, Life Focus 14 came to a close. As a way to cool down and be refreshed after seven weeks of serving, all the leaders took a relaxing trip up to the Northwoods Conference Center for a few days. The second day we were there, it snowed; at night, you could […]

There’s Nothing Like a Good Story

Today Pastor Pierpont showed me his blog at This evening I had a chance to take a better look around the site and really enjoyed my visit. First of all, in his characteristic story-telling style, there’s this great video clip of him telling the true story about the rabbit and the cat. 🙂 And […]

Laundry Lessons

I think we’d all agree that laundry can be a real chore, especially if you have a big family! So I thought I would share a couple of things that I’ve learned that have helped us “lighten the load” on laundry day. I must confess that these are not entirely original to the Staddon’s, but […]

George Washington

“I am sure that there never was a people, who had more reason to acknowledge a Divine interposition in their affairs, than those of the United States; and I should be pained to believe that they have forgotten that agency, which was so often manifested during our Revolution, or that they failed to consider the […]