Flowers in Our Front Yard

Showing off their beauty in the early morningWe have enjoyed watching some beautiful flowers grow in our front yard. Angel trumpets, they are called. They are a welcome sight as they fill in some bare spots there. The spreading plant, exotic-looking leaves, and enormous blooms cover the area marvelously. Great potential...Interestingly you can’t always tell when they will bloom; it is very dependent on humidity, temperature and amount of sunlight. They usually bloom in the late evening, stay open all night, and then wilt as soon as the morning sun touches the delicate peddles. The flower beginning to slowly unfoldThey have been very unique to watch and a little tricky to photograph. Though the flowers only last for a short time, it is a vital part of their cycle of life. Once the temporary flower has finished it’s purpose of attracting insects to pollinate the pWilted in the sunlightlant, a seed pod can begin to grow. The pod itself isn’t exactly attractive, but it sure is the most important part of the plant, ultimately allowing it to continue through the winter and grow again next year.

The seed pod, the most important part of the plantThe life cycle of our angel trumpets – how they were planted in a needy place, how they flourished and bloomed, how they wilted and fell off in the sunlight, and how they left a seed pod necessary for it’s survival – reminds me of a story from history that I was reading about the other day. Did you know that the first Christian missionaries to Japan arrived as late as the 1550s? To think that it took over 1,500 years for the seeds of the gospel to reach those needy shores should be quite disturbing. Japanese councilBut finally a Portuguese missionary, named St. Francis Xavier, arrived and proclaimed the gospel starting the rapid spread of Christianity. For over 50 years, Christianity bloomed in Japan and many thousands were shown the way of salvation. However, the burning heat of persecution in the 1630s caused Christianity to practically disappear. Feudal lords were afraid of loosing their power and some 15,000 persons were martyred for the name of Christ. After a dormant period, the nineteenth century saw Christianity planted once more. Today, freedom of religion is guaranteed by the constitution and Christianity is once more able to grow.

Let us pray for those ministering in Japan that they might be strong in the Faith and be effective witnesses in the propagation of biblical Christianity!

An angel trumpet in full bloom


  1. Donald August 28, 2007 at 8:31 pm #

    James, Thank you for the post! I am sitting right now at a computer at the Taipei National University of Technology Library. In the middle of a large city it is refreshing to see the interior of the building decorated with plants and flowers! May we all “blossom where we are planted”, in the east or west, so that our neighbors whoever they may be may see the beauty of the gospel lived in our lives.

  2. Daniel August 31, 2007 at 5:50 am #

    Those angel trumpets out front have really surprised me! They quickly covered the area and replaced a former eye sore with a thing of beauty. What I like most about them is how pleasant they look even without their flowers. Outstanding pictures, James!

  3. Esther August 31, 2007 at 11:45 am #

    It amazes me how God works. You just can’t stomp out His influence! It has always sprung back no matter what man tries to do. It reminds me of Psalm 118:6 “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?”

  4. Donna September 2, 2007 at 5:39 pm #

    Great story. It amazes me how you can get an analogy out of a plant.

  5. Matthew September 4, 2007 at 2:28 pm #

    Excellent analogy! Beautiful flowers! Interesting history!

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